I'm the silly goose of the group. No awkward silence, I could talk to a brick wall and make it talk back haha. I'm always looking to walk away as best friends with everyone.
My faith makes up the person I am today. Whether through prayer, worship, or acts of kindness, I strive to embody the grace, compassion, and truth that Jesus does.
When I'm not taking photos you can find me snowboarding, hiking, and going to the gym. Knocking snowboarding in Jacksonhole, WY and Big Sky, MT off my bucketlist. was so cool! I dream of hiking out west but Shenandoah is still a breathtaking hiking spot. You will find me at the gym as much as possible, It has become one of my favorite things to do, besides photography of course haha
My boyfriend is TRULY my biggest supporter. We've been dating for 5 years now and I can't imagine my life without him. We enjoy snowboarding, going to the gym, taking photos, and hanging out with our friends together. He also bought me my very first camera! It was the best Christmas gift. ever!
These are my BEST FRIENDS!! The Lord truly blessed me with the best group of people and life would be boring without them. You will find us hiking, snowboarding, binging shows in our sweats, ORRRR the absolute lives of the party dancing and singing our hearts out.
Meet my family! I'm the second oldest of 7 kids-yup you heard that correctly, 7 kids! Even though it gets crazy at times, I love them all so much. A year ago we got our cavapoo, Olive . How did we live without her?! Although we have a big family, my parents do an incredible job at supporting all of our interests and dreams and, I couldn't be more grateful.
I'm the silly goose of the group. No awkward silence, I could talk to a brick wall and make it talk back haha. I'm always looking to walk away as best friends with everyone.
My faith makes up the person I am today. Whether through prayer, worship, or acts of kindness, I strive to embody the grace, compassion, and truth that Jesus does.
When I'm not taking photos you can find me snowboarding, hiking, and going to the gym. Knocking snowboarding in Jacksonhole, WY and Big Sky, MT off my bucketlist. was so cool! I dream of hiking out west but Shenandoah is still a breathtaking hiking spot. You will find me at the gym as much as possible, It has become one of my favorite things to do, besides photography of course haha
My boyfriend is TRULY my biggest supporter. We've been dating for 5 years now and I can't imagine my life without him. We enjoy snowboarding, going to the gym, taking photos, and hanging out with our friends together. He also bought me my very first camera! It was the best Christmas gift. ever!
These are my BEST FRIENDS!! The Lord truly blessed me with the best group of people and life would be boring without them. You will find us hiking, snowboarding, binging shows in our sweats, ORRRR the absolute lives of the party dancing and singing our hearts out.
Meet my family! I'm the second oldest of 7 kids-yup you heard that correctly, 7 kids! Even though it gets crazy at times, I love them all so much. A year ago we got our cavapoo, Olive . How did we live without her?! Although we have a big family, my parents do an incredible job at supporting all of our interests and dreams and, I couldn't be more grateful.